my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:29
the career ladder, beating tight deadlines and closing the deal are all marks
of success in Western society. Millions of Americans even skip or cut short
their well-earned vacations because they’re either afraid to fall behind at
work or they can’t find time on their busy calendars. A study by jobs and
recruitment website Glassdoor reveals that on average, American workers use
only 54% of their eligible vacation time, and nearly 10% take no paid time off
at all. That adds up to forfeiting about 200 million vacation days that can’t
be rolled over to the next year.
had the world’s most important job — saving humanity from its sins — and his routine
was often nonstop. In just three years he cured disease, raised the dead
and even calmed
a raging storm. So with such a tight schedule, it seems like
Jesus would have little or no time to take a break or even socialize. But it
turns out that he did make a special effort to enjoy quality time away, and
often with those who mattered the most to him. And it’s safe to say that he
still managed to accomplish his mission. Recorded in Mark’s gospel, Christ’s
admonition to his busy disciples paints the hectic picture:
come along to some quiet place by yourselves, and rest for a little while,” said Jesus, for there
were people coming and going incessantly so that they had not even time for
Luke’s gospel records a time when Jesus visited the home of his friends Martha
and Mary. While Martha busily prepared the food and straightened the house for a
gathering, her sister Mary decided to take time out and listen to Jesus’
message. Martha was very upset with Mary’s attitude and complained to Jesus
about the apparent injustice. But instead of scolding Mary, Jesus commended her
for choosing the most important thing: quality time with him. Jesus understood
the importance of off-time, and he was even known (and criticized) for attending
a party or two!
Wouldn’t it be nice to interrupt our
never-ending schedules to recharge our batteries and forget the everyday grind?
The Bible teaches us that well-earned rest is part of God’s design for us to do
good work. So with that in mind, let’s learn from Jesus’ example of rest for
the weary.