Friday, December 25, 2020

Wise Men Still Seek Him

 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

– Matthew 6:23

When we seek something — or someone — we need to know what — or whom — we’re looking for. For example, Christ-followers on their life-long spiritual journey look toward Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And every day, they should seek to know him better and do God’s will with purpose and vision.

If you’re a Christian, it's no revelation that this odyssey can be rough at times. But let’s consider the original Christ-followers 2,000 years ago, who traveled countless miles through deserts and rugged terrain — just to meet Jesus in person.

They were called the Magi, but you might know them from the Christmas story as the Wise Men or Three Kings. It’s thought that they were astrologers from Babylon (ancient Iraq), who were familiar with the Old Testament prophesies about the Jew’s long-awaited messiah.

The time came when they spotted a special star in the nighttime sky. It was a sign that was both breathtaking and unmistakable. And the Magi would soon follow it at all costs to gaze upon and worship the King of Kings.

The second chapter of Matthew’s gospel reveals that the Wise Men lived up to their name. And if we look closer, we’ll see that their successful journey highlights some important principles that we can embrace today. We learn first that following God can be dangerous and demanding. Our winding spiritual pathway is full of hairpin turns and steep hills rather than long, smooth stretches of highway. And to reach their destination, the Magi chose the road-less-taken rather than the direct route. But how often throughout our day do we choose the easy way out rather than doing the difficult — but right — thing?

The Magi’s long journey also reassures us that as Christ-followers, we will find Jesus if we search for him diligently. The Three Kings may well have been familiar with Jeremiah 29:13, which reads:

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

So whether it's Christmas or any other day, let’s follow the Wise Men’s example. They recognized their Savior's star from a great distance, and stayed on the path until they reached their destination.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

– 1 John 4:8

Christmas is around the corner, but don’t despair if you're still looking for that perfect gift for that someone special. After all, there are plenty of options out there, as your next visit to will confirm. But with money particularly tight these days, every purchase must count. Whatever you choose, it should be a gift that makes an impression — without overspending. It’s best to maximize the bang for your buck.

There's nothing wrong with trying to stretch a dollar. But maybe a gift's real value has much more to do with the meaning and person behind it than its Low Everyday Walmart price.

That's certainly the case if we're to believe the Bible. So what does it say

about the characteristics of a good gift? And more to the point, what does Scripture tell us about being a good gift-giver? We can find the answers through its vivid portrayals of Jesus related to the issues of living, relationships and love.

It's from Christ's example that we learn to give with an attitude of generosity: one that exceeds what we expect to receive. Our gifts should also affirm the value of the recipient. But most importantly, our gifts — whatever they may be — should be given out of love.

The Bible doesn't say that an Apple iPhone is a better gift than a bicycle or a sweater. But the same principles apply. And what we also learn is that when it comes to gift-giving, it really IS the thought that counts.  

Christmas is straight ahead ... and time is running out. But before we log on to Amazon, tune into the Home Shopping Network or even drive to the mall, let's follow the examples of Jesus, who was and is the ultimate gift-giver. His greatest present was the salvation he bought for us through his death on the cross. It was an incredibly valuable gift that we can never repay. It was also given out of love. And it's free and available to anyone who's willing to untie the bow and open the package. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Joy to the World

Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.

– Luke 6:21

There’s an old saying in the news business: If it leads, it bleeds. Surf the web, turn on the TV or read a newspaper, and you’re bound to come across headline after headline about contested presidential elections, never-ending pandemics and degenerate human behavior. The fact is that the media thrives off of bad news and hyping the worst possible scenarios for maximum effect. After all, good news rarely drives ratings or sells magazines.

With bad news and scary headlines in such plentiful supply these days, how about counting our blessings and taking a much-needed break? For one week, make the effort to

avoid TV — particularly news broadcasts or shows with a political bent. Keep away from similar content on the web. And don’t bother with newspapers or magazines. (Even many of the so-called entertainment magazines have fully embraced politics.)

At the end of those quiet seven days, maybe you won’t feel quite as informed as you would have had you stayed glued to the evening newscast or a favorite website. But odds are you’ll experience much less stress and enjoy a more positive outlook on life.

That’s some sound advice for ditching the bad news. But what about finding some good news for a change?

As Christ-followers, the Good News about Jesus is what gives us hope and a much clearer perspective for tomorrow. And as we read in the Bible about the incredible promises God has kept over the centuries, our anticipation only grows as we ponder the amazing future that awaits. Until then, our life-journey will have its peaks and valleys. But we’ll find real hope in our darkest hours. What’s more, we’ll also experience joy, which springs from within through our relationship with God.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace," said Jesus to his disciples. "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Are you going through some tough times these days? Good News and the blessings that accompany it are closer than you think!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Overcoming the Inevitable

 I am the living one! I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. I have authority over death and the world of the dead.

– Revelation 1:18

Although few like to talk about it, it’s something we’ll all have to face one day. It’s not a trip to the dentist’s office or an audit by the IRS. It’s something much more inevitable: DEATH.

Why do so many people worry about dying? For those who aren’t Christ-followers, death represents the unknown. It’s a gaping, black hole. And who knows what’s at the bottom of that pit or who’s on the other side? And besides, death is just so … final.

That doesn’t sound very reassuring. So here’s some good news: If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have nothing to fear from death. In fact, death is simply

the transition between our relatively brief existence on Earth and an eternity of joy. It’s from Revelation — the final book of the Bible — that we learn that all our troubles, tears and sorrows will be a thing of the past. That’s something to anticipate rather than fear!

How is this possible? 

Unlike you and me, Jesus lived a perfect, sin-free life. And he willingly accepted the death penalty on a Roman cross to pay for our failure to live up to God’s perfect standards. Then he proved that he was indeed God-in-the-flesh by fulfilling Old Testament prophesies and rising to life. The huge stone that had sealed his grave was rolled away, and the tomb was revealed to be empty and hollow. Likewise, so now was the devil’s greatest weapon against mankind: the threat of death.

It’s a reminder of a difficult truth: One day, death will take you. But if you’ve surrendered your life to Jesus, death can’t keep you. That’s because it’s already been defeated through his triumphant resurrection. It's in John’s gospel that we find this familiar passage about Christ’s power to overcome the grave: 

“I am the resurrection and the life,” the Savior proclaims. “He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

Although death is a sobering fact of life, you can believe in Jesus’ promises and have great confidence in your eternal future. It’s because he conquered death that every Believer will overcome the inevitable.