Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Rock

Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.”

– Matthew 26:38

It was a place of suffering and despair called The Rock.

It's Alcatraz, the infamous maximum-security prison situated on an island in San Francisco Bay. Originally a pre-Civil War-era military outpost and later a military prison, Alcatraz became the last stop for society's worst-of-the-worst when it re-opened in 1934 as an escape-proof penitentiary.

The Rock's ultra-strict code of discipline helped the facility earn its Hellcatraz nickname. In the prison’s notorious "D" block, inmates lived in 4' x 8' cells and were allowed out just once per week for a 10-minute shower. "Harsher punishments," reports the Legends of America website, included "solitary confinement, in total darkness, for days without any release, or confinement in the dreaded steel boxes."

Alcatraz closed its doors in 1963. But today — over 60 years later — there are millions of people suffering through a different type of solitary confinement: loneliness. Even in our crowded nation of over 340 million residents, many of our neighbors are on their own without close friends or family. They know all too well that it's possible to be lonely without ever being alone. 

This was never our Creator's plan. But to some extent we all have trouble forming relationships, whether it's with each other or with him. The first book of the Bible (Genesis) reveals that God placed the first man and woman in a perfect, care-free existence called Eden. There were no job deadlines, traffic jams, illnesses, or broken marriages. It was a place where God literally walked with his creation. But when the couple intentionally disobeyed his instructions and sinned, things were never the same. Adam and Eve's eyes were opened, and they realized the damage they had done. Then they tried to hide from their Creator.

Some things haven't changed. In addition to fleeing from our own transgressions, we also avoid relationships because of what others have done to us. We don’t want to be disappointed or hurt again. It's too easy to be let down. And it's much easier to run away.

The good news is that God has a two-part solution. First, he re-established our relationship with him through the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus. Since Christ personally paid the penalty for our many sins, Believers are considered God's sons and daughters, and an unimaginable inheritance awaits us. And second, he built the Church, which is composed of all the Christ-followers around the world. It's a body of imperfect people like you and me who are all looking for the same thing: a safe place to rest from the world, heal our spiritual wounds, and make life-long relationships.

Are you imprisoned in spiritual solitary confinement? You're never alone through a relationship of faith in Jesus — the Rock of Salvation.


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Benefit of the Doubt

Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”

– 1 Kings 19:3-4

It’s said that if you have enough faith to believe the first four words of the Bible (“In the beginning, God …”), the rest of Scripture is easy. Still, even the most seasoned Christ-follower can have their moments of fear and doubt — particularly in times of crisis — such as from a lost job, a serious illness, or the death of a loved one.

But trusting in God’s promises extends well beyond our employment, health, or relationships. His guarantees found throughout the Bible are eternal. And we can take them all to heart because of our Creator’s proven record of reliability. For example, J. Barton Payne’s Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy lists more than 1,800 promises from God. And no doubt the greatest was fulfilled through the birth of the world’s Savior (Jesus) in an obscure outpost of the Roman Empire. It was then that God came to Earth to personally experience the human condition … and later pay the sin-debt that we never could.

What’s more, it’s through Jesus that the devil was defeated, and Christ-followers were given the power to live victorious, Spirit-filled lives. So, with that in mind, let’s consider these words of assurance that are still relevant 20 centuries after Christ’s death and Resurrection:

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?” Jesus asked some of his earliest followers. “Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

Our Creator’s promise to you and me is that he cares deeply for us. And he also knows each of us intimately — even before we were born. In fact, the book of Isaiah tells us that our very names are written on the palms of his hands! 

As Christ-followers, fears and uncertainties will come and go. But without a doubt, we worship a God who loves us and has a wondrous plan for both now … and for eternity. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Who's #1?

 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.

– Deuteronomy 6:4

The media has long recognized the public's love of lists. Check out the magazine racks in any supermarket and you'll see headlines for the Top 10 Muscle Cars, Best Ways to Renovate Your Home, and the Year's Nastiest Celebrity Breakups. Websites have year-end posts about the nation's biggest political scandals and the most-costly business failures. And cable TV embraces this popular genre through shows like the Top 100 Heavy Metal Videos of All Time, Best Caribbean Beach Resorts, and the Greatest Engineering Disasters of the Century.

But let’s not forget the most-controversial lists of them all (at least in the minds of sports fans). They're the weekly Top 20 rankings of college football and basketball teams — often topics of heated discussion in office break rooms and across the Internet. Of course, everyone has viewpoints about what or who is number one in certain categories. And when it comes to entertainment and sports, we might have a favorite movie or a strong opinion about the NFL's greatest quarterback. But what about something a bit more substantial: 

Who (or what) is #1 in your life?

Is it your family? Your career? Money, vacations ... or perhaps the weekend? Or maybe the answer is as close as the nearest mirror. If it is, join the crowd.

Whatever your response, King Solomon — probably the wisest man who ever lived — could relate. In the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, we read that he partook in every pleasure under the sun to find fulfillment in life. And unfortunately for him, his search in all the wrong places brought him emptiness and sorrow. But we can still gain much from the lessons Solomon learned the hard way: 

First, fulfillment in life comes about only when we live for the right person. And in our case, that means living for God by letting his son (Jesus) live through us. Second, we can find fulfillment only when we live by God's standards. After all, what good does it do if we say we're a Christ-follower on Sundays but live quite differently Monday through Saturday? And finally, we find fulfillment in life only when we live with the right focus. In other words, we must live with eternity in mind. Careers, money, vacations — and even sporting events — may seem important to us now. But they all pale in comparison against what we’re doing to help usher in God's Kingdom on Earth. After all, that’s every Christ-follower’s responsibility.

Now's the time to look again in the mirror and decide who (or what) is really #1 in our lives. And a great way to start is with another look at Solomon’s timeless observations through Ecclesiastes. In today's uncertain economic and political environment, his concise words of wisdom are remarkably relevant and reassuring:

Everything you were taught can be put into a few words: Respect and obey God! This is what life is all about. God will judge everything we do, even what is done in secret, whether good or bad.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Passing the Test

“Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”

– Genesis 22:12

There’s a scene in 2009’s Star Trek movie reboot where Captain Kirk — then a brash Star Fleet Academy cadet — had to complete a computer-simulation exercise called the Kobayashi Maru Test. Designed by Mr. Spock, this intense exam placed Kirk in a no-win scenario as a starship commander facing the overwhelming force of aggressive Klingon warbirds.

Kirk remained calm as the Klingons opened fire. He even munched on an apple from the comfort of the captain’s chair — all while his exasperated crew wondered aloud if their leader would respond to the barrage. Star Fleet Academy observers also questioned if the cocky cadet took the exercise seriously. But just as the protective shields of Kirk’s vessel were about to fail, the Klingon attack ground to a halt. Then thanks to a few well-aimed photon torpedoes, the enemy spacecraft were quickly destroyed. 

The Kobayashi Maru Test was designed to gauge Kirk’s response to impending defeat against tremendous odds. But since he had reprogrammed the simulation and re-written its conclusion, he could remain confident amidst circumstances that no previous cadet had overcome. 

“I don’t believe in no-win scenarios,” Kirk explained. And why should he? After all, he already knew the story’s outcome.

Maybe our world isn’t under attack from a squadron of Klingon warbirds. But a quick check of the news headlines reveals considerable turmoil in our midst. Thank God (literally) that we don’t have to rely on our own cleverness to overcome it. The good news is that our Creator is in control of the situation. His Word (the Bible) explains that he knew the outcome before the world was even formed. What’s more, he recognized long ago that you and I would need a perfect Savior to deliver us from the consequences of our misdirected lives.

As with Star Trek’s Kobayashi Maru Test, the timing had to be perfect. And so it was. Centuries after the Old Testament had promised his arrival, Jesus was born in an obscure village called Bethlehem — exactly as predicted. Later, Christ fulfilled dozens more prophesies through his remarkable words and deeds. The odds of that happening by chance are astronomical.

How does this relate to Christ’s’ modern-day followers like you and me? 

The takeaway is that when the world seems to be crumbling around us, God’s plans are always trustworthy and on schedule … even when we don’t understand what’s happening. We can’t see things through our Creator’s perspective. But since he wrote our life’s first chapter, last chapter, and everything in between, we can be confident that he already knows our story’s conclusion. 

It’s our faith in God’s timing and provision that builds our strength for the trials we’ll face. And let’s not be deceived: our faith in Him WILL undergo testing. But rest assured, God will always provide for us when we trust Him completely.