people have gotten out of the habit of meeting for worship, but we must not do
that. We should keep on encouraging each other, especially since you know that
the day of the Lord's coming is getting closer.
Hebrews 10:25
Ask a dozen people what comes to
mind when you say the word "church," and you'll likely get several
different answers. Their responses will likely range from traditional clapboard
country meeting houses to modern arena-style worship centers to Gothic European
cathedrals. Others might take a different approach with answers citing the
house churches that are common in China and Cuba. And believe it or not, some
might even mention churches that meet in movie theaters (imagine that!).
The common denominator here is
the link with a location or style of building. But
that's not the way the Bible defines church.
Rather than an impressive structure filled with pews and crowned by a soaring
steeple, the church is really people--all the people on Earth who have accepted
and trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So no matter who you are and
where you live--if you're a Christ-follower--you're part of His church called
the Body of Christ.
That's a remarkable concept
because it means we're a part of a literal body of believers spread all over
the globe. We speak different languages, are of different races and come from
different cultures. But we're all united by Jesus' death on the cross as
payment in full for all the wrongs we've done (and continue to do) in our
lives. As different as we are, we're a single family that's accepted Jesus'
free gift of forgiveness.
But as with all families (even
the best and most stable ones), differences, disagreements and disappointments
are bound to arise among its members. And the fact is that the church isn't
perfect. And why should it be? It's made up of imperfect people who do very
imperfect things.
This all leads to another key
Biblical truth about the church: It's not about us. It's instead all about
Jesus. Everything we do as Christ-followers ought to be done to glorify God
through Christ, who the Bible tells us is the head of the church. Whether it's
a local gathering of believers or the millions of Christ-followers on Earth,
this Body of Christ answers to an audience of One.
Jesus paid for His church with
something much more valuable than money or gold. He bought our spiritual
freedom and eternal future at the price of His own blood. So whether we worship
Him in a massive cathedral, a quaint country church or even a multiplex movie
theater, we're ultimately one body joined through a common faith.
Let's strive as Christ-followers
to make it a body that's healthy, strong and worthy of His sacrifice.
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