No one
can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he
will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and
Matthew 6:24
The essence of being a
Christ-follower is accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior. So rather than following
the world's wisdom about life, relationships, possessions and money,
Christ-followers see these things in a very different light. That's because our
minds begin to transform as soon as we follow Jesus in earnest. What once
seemed so valuable and desirable loses its luster and fades into oblivion. The
world's silver and gold begins to rust.
If you're a Christ-follower,
you've accepted God's offer to meet all of your needs
in every area of your life. That covers deeply intimate issues involving
significance, happiness, value and self-worth--and of course--our money and
possessions. Unfortunately, too many of us depend on the size of our bank
accounts, 401ks and stock portfolios for security. We struggle for years to
build up a nest egg. But even when we make it to the top by the world's
standards, the so-called victory turns out to be a worthless idol that gains us
nothing once we leave this life.
As the saying goes, money is a
fine servant but a terrible master. We start confusing our self-worth with our
net worth. And it's then that we turn good but neutral things (money and
possessions) into god things.
So who's the master of your
money, time...and stuff?
It's a question with eternal
implications. After all, what we do with our God-given resources is an ongoing
test of how we put the True Master first in our lives. As Christ-followers,
we're to recognize that ultimately, everything belongs to God. We're simply
caretakers while we're here on earth. And no matter the size of our bank
account, we can't take even a dime with us. We must therefore ask ourselves if
we're spending our money on the world's definition of success or investing it
where it will make an eternal difference.
Money and possessions aren't
evil. It's only when we abuse them through bad choices and priorities that they
can become a slave-master that pushes God aside. But Jesus has a better way. He
sees these gifts as tools for helping other people, achieving justice and
spreading His Kingdom here on earth. And besides, it's all His, anyway. So
let's open ourselves to His will and use our God-given resources as He sees
"Well done, good and
faithful servant," Jesus says. "You have been faithful with a
few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your
master's happiness!"
May these be the words that greet
us as we enter His Kingdom.
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