is anyone who makes an idol--a thing detestable to the Lord, the work of
skilled hands--and sets it up in secret." Then all the people shall say,
-- Deuteronomy
There's an old saying that in
battle, you'll never find an atheist in a foxhole.
Maybe there's a grain of truth in that observation--and perhaps a
whole lot more. After all, is there really such a thing as a full-fledged atheist--someone who
doesn't worship any god? The truth is that we all worship something in one way
or another. God has even hard-coded this intense longing into our DNA.
Christ-followers worship the true God revealed and proven through the
Bible. On the other hand, man-made religions promote false gods,
ancestor-worship and even the reverence of living things or nature (worshiping
the creation rather than the Creator). And then there are today's popular
teachings such as New Age, Scientology and Kabbalah. It's a very long list.
Even those who claim to be strict atheists are in fact active
worshipers. True, they may not be devout churchgoers who proclaim Jesus as
their Lord and Savior. But they--like everyone--bow down at the altar of their
favorite idols. Some worship money, luxury and pleasure while others emulate
intellect and higher learning. And still others kneel at the altar of more
negative gods such as alcohol, drugs and illicit relationships.
So it's true that there are no atheists on the battlefield. But
there's a different type of battle that rages each day within everyone: the God of the Bible who struggles
every day against the world's gods and idols. And it's our hearts
and souls that are the prize of this eternal conflict.
Perhaps you and I don't literally kneel and worship before a
golden idol as recorded in the first book of the Bible. But let's recognize
that we secretly (or maybe not-so-secretly) cherish our own personal gods.
Think about the things you worry about or sacrifice your time and money for. What are the issues that make you
angry? What brings you the most joy? And here's a revealing
question: Whose attention
and applause do you most crave?
If the answer to each question doesn't involve God, you're likely
worshiping an idol. And idols can be difficult to recognize through the smoke
and confusion of spiritual warfare because they're experts at camouflage.
Sometimes that idol can be as close as the bathroom mirror. And even apparently
good things--like a career--can evolve into a "god thing." It's then
that they're unmasked as personal idols.
It's particularly important for Christ-followers to remember that
the real God--the God of the Bible revealed in person through Jesus
Christ--refuses to share his glory with any false god or cheap idol. We
therefore need to reflect on the God (and gods) in our lives. And then we must
choose the one to live for and serve.
Let's be thankful that our God guards a jealous love for each one
of us. In fact, he loves us so much that he let his own son suffer the death
penalty in our place so that we could become his children and heirs. That means
as children of the King, an incredible inheritance awaits us if we're willing
to accept his authentic, precious gifts of forgiveness, love and grace.
Accept no substitutes!
Accept no substitutes!
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