Saturday, August 4, 2018

Give It a Rest

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Matthew 11:29

You’ve seen them in the bookstore, online and in the workplace. And you might even have a few at home. They’re those yellow For Dummies books that help you do everything from gardening to database management to gourmet cooking. There’s even one on Christianity.

The For Dummies books and their companion website are popular because so many folks these days don’t have the time or patience to learn and appreciate why things are the way they are. Instead, they want to know (quickly!) how it's done without the annoying details.

That’s not always a bad thing -- particularly when there's a last-minute project at the office and you don’t have a clue where to start. So let’s give them their due. The For Dummies books and their imitators can often save readers hours of time and at least a couple of sleepless nights.

But there’s a downside when we overemphasize shortcuts and quick fixes.
In 21st century America, our hectic lives can consist of random snapshots and scattered sound bytes rather than full-length, Technicolor documentaries. We literally don’t stop and smell the roses, which just happen to be some of God’s most beautiful creations. Then we miss out on life.

Wouldn’t it be nice once in a while to just interrupt our never-ending schedules to recharge our batteries and forget about the everyday grind? The Bible tells us that God agrees. And that’s why he created the Sabbath. It’s one special day each week (not necessarily Sunday) when we can worship, relax with family and friends, do good for others and generally enjoy life.

That’s one valid way to look at the Sabbath. But it has a much deeper meaning. This special day also reflects a special person (Jesus Christ), who exemplified everything the Sabbath should be. Although he had only three years to save the world, Jesus still took time out to pray, help others ... and even attend a party or two. Never in a hurry, he even called himself The Lord of the Sabbath. And he still had time to complete his must-do to-do list.

Do you ever wonder how you’ll ever get it all done? Learn from Jesus’ example and just give it a rest.

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