Sunday, December 8, 2019

Soul Food

The appetite of laborers works for them; their hunger drives them on.

-- Proverbs 16:26

What’s your idea of a satisfying meal?

For some folks, a grilled steak, baked potato and tossed salad always hit the spot. Others love pizza, Chinese or seafood. And let’s not forget those who crave vegetarian. 

Our tastes and taste buds might vary, but its hunger that unites us. Likewise, we all share another appetite that has nothing to do with cheeseburgers and ice cream. It’s the spiritual hunger that’s hard-coded in our DNA. Inside, everyone has a gnawing desire to fill a gaping void. Some try through negative pursuits involving drugs, alcohol, compulsive spending or gambling. Others rely on long hours in the office or escaping reality through online gaming, television or even travel. But after the thrill is gone, the hunger always returns. And any satisfaction that was gained soon fades away.

Jesus addresses this spiritual starvation by proclaiming (and proving) himself to be
the “food” that always satisfies. It's when we accept him as our Lord and Savior that he fills the void and directs our lives. We just need to be willing to ask, listen and obey.

“I am the bread of life,” Christ tells us in John 6:35. “Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”

Let’s keep in mind that spiritual hunger isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, we all need a drive a certain level of intensity — to continue developing as Christ-followers. That’s because the old saying is true: life is a journey rather than a wide spot in the road. God has so many things for us to see, experience and comprehend during our brief existence on Earth. And that's how we grow and mature into Jesus’ likeness. 

Unfortunately, too many Christ-followers become spiritually emaciated because they stop searching for meaning in their lives. Instead, they should seek to grow in faith by making the most of the people, places and situations they encounter each day. Every Christ-follower should nourish their spiritual muscles through regular Bible study, prayer, worship, small group participation and other positive habits. After all, there’s nothing like a good workout to whet ones appetite.

Are you hungry for more than just a bland spiritual meal? Jesus invites you to feast at his table.

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