Saturday, April 9, 2022

Teachable Moments

Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I believe in your commands.  

– Psalm 119:65-67 

Before there was Albert Einstein, there was Lord Kelvin

Born William Thomson, this renowned Scots-Irish physicist and engineer was the dominant figure in science during the second half of the 19th century. He published more than 600 scientific papers and filed 70 patents. He was the president of the Royal Society from 1890 to 1895. And he introduced the world to the term thermodynamics.

Kelvin was obviously brilliant. But as it turned out, his knowledge was limited to the information available at the time. For example, he claimed that "heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible." The Wright Brothers proved him wrong just eight years later. And in 1900 Kelvin declared, "There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement." He also asserted that "X-rays are a hoax."  

Just as Lord Kelvin derided the notion of airplanes and X-rays, many otherwise intelligent people regard Christ-followers as uninformed because they accept the Bible on simple faith. After all, they say, knowledge and education are the answers for a better world. If everyone would have a more-open mindset, peace and prosperity would prevail!

The problem with this viewpoint is that worldly knowledge is constantly changing and correcting itself. On the other hand, the wisdom and knowledge that God delivers through the Bible is rock-steady. But that hasn't stopped people over the centuries from trying to discredit Jesus and the Bible. There are even organizations, books, and movies that are dedicated to the pursuit. (Remember the Da Vinci Code?) But their efforts fail time after time. For example, Biblical truth struck again in 2004 when archeologists discovered the Pool of Siloam, a site of one of Jesus' recorded miracles of healing. Up until then, cynics claimed that it was an imaginary place!

The lesson here is that for all its prowess, human knowledge is inherently limited. On the other hand, God's Word is proven all-powerful, reliable, and true. And we can and should trust it. After all, the Bible is God's owner's manual for living a productive life and making a positive difference in our world. It's also a dependable roadmap for finding our eternal home through faith in God's own son, Jesus Christ. It’s no coincidence that the Bible is called The Good Book

Don't misunderstand: Education and human knowledge can be quite valuable. And learning new skills and earning college degrees are definite career-builders. But as Christ-followers, we must remember our Source of real knowledge and the words of true life. We're to trust Jesus with a simple, child-like faith,

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me," invites our Teacher, "for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." 


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