Saturday, February 4, 2023

Worth Every Penny

“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

– Luke 15:10

Few things are as disappointing as buying a product or service that fails to meet expectations —especially if it’s expensive. For example, maybe you heard about a new restaurant that piqued your taste buds. You went online and checked out the menu, read several online reviews, and even asked your friends and co-workers for their opinions. But once you were seated at the table, you quickly saw through the hype. The dining room was dingy, the waiter was rude … and that $50 entrée wasn’t even appetizing. 

What a costly letdown!

On the other hand, what about that expensive Caribbean cruise that you had planned for months? You visited countless tourist websites, watched The Travel Channel, and spoke with friends who had earlier taken the same trip. And although the cost of your ticket meant weeks of cutting back on other purchases, the tropical islands you visited were gorgeous, the cuisine was superb, and you even made some new friends along the way. Yes, that pricey trip put a dent in your bank account. But those memories you’re still cherishing mean much more than dollars and cents. 

The Bible also confirms the worth of some costly purchases. For example, there’s Jesus’ famous story about the Prodigal Son, where a loving father welcomes back his wayward — and totally undeserving — child, who had burned through his entire inheritance on outrageously wasteful living. Christ also told his disciples about a man who sold his possessions to buy a field. And not just any field, but one that held buried treasure. Although the cost to buy the land was staggering, the man did whatever it took to gain the prize.

Those stories are vivid illustrations of how God puts his love into action to bring us into his family. The most familiar passage in the New Testament (John 3:16) declares that he loves the world so much that he gave his only Son (Jesus) so that those who believe in him will have eternal life. Our Creator willingly let Jesus suffer and die on the cross to pay for all our wrongdoings — past, present, and future. And unlike Christ — who lived a perfect, sin-free existence — we all rightfully deserve death because of our lawlessness. But God’s grace offers us forgiveness and a fresh start if we’re only willing to accept it. 

Jesus paid the extravagant price to save us from ourselves. And unlike many of our purchases, it was worth every penny.

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