Saturday, April 22, 2023

Picture This

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith — and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God — not by works, so that no one can boast.

– Ephesians 2: 8-9

What is GRACE?

For one thing, it’s a “churchy” word that’s hard to picture. You must experience grace before you can really understand the concept. And even more confusing is that grace is both a thing and a process.

Receiving an unexpected, luxurious gift is one way to picture grace. It comes straight out of the blue, and we did nothing to deserve such a priceless expression of love. What’s more, we know that we could never afford it ourselves.

But grace is also an ongoing transformation. It’s something that changes us from the inside out starting the moment we ask Christ to live through us until the day we meet him in person. Grace invites us to turn over our lives to him. And as we begin our faith-journey as Christ-followers, it teaches us to become more like him and see the world through his eyes. It’s an evolving, full-bodied change of heart, mind, and spirit.

Here’s one more picture of what grace is all about: Envision a block of rough marble that’s sculpted into a museum-quality masterpiece. With each tap of the chisel from the artist’s expert hands, a work of beauty and craftsmanship emerges. It often takes much longer than anyone expects. But the result is both awesome and lasting.

These examples of grace paint a picture of a God whose love for us is relentless. Even before the foundation of the world, he decided to pay the exorbitant price for our countless transgressions, failures, and shortcomings — also known as sins. And since the wages of sin is death, that payment was made on our behalf through the death of his own Son (Jesus) on the cross. We were once in prison awaiting the punishment we all so rightly deserve. But God’s loving grace proclaimed our righteousness and freed us from condemnation:

“For the law was given through Moses,” we read in John’s gospel. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Get the picture? We see that grace is both a thing and a transformation. It’s also a work in progress. But most of all, it’s God’s extraordinary gift of love to anyone who’s willing to accept it.

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