Saturday, December 16, 2023

Joy to the World

Splendor and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his dwelling place.

–1 Chronicles 16:27

Surf the web, turn on the TV, or read a newspaper, and you’re bound to come across headline after headline about the high cost of living, unemployment, war in the Middle East, political turmoil, and degenerate human behavior. It’s no surprise that the media thrives off bad news and hyping the worst possible scenarios for maximum effect. After all, good news rarely drives ratings or sells magazines.

With scary headlines in such plentiful supply these days, how about taking a much-needed break? For one week, make the effort to avoid TV — particularly news broadcasts

or shows with a political bent. Also, keep away from similar content on the web. At the end of those quiet seven days, maybe you won’t feel quite as informed as you would have had you stayed glued to that 24-hour cable news channel. But odds are you’ll experience less stress and enjoy a more optimistic take on life.

That’s sound advice for ditching the negative. But what about finding something positive and uplifting?

As Christ-followers, we have the Gospel, which is the good news that God came to live among sinful mankind through the birth of his only son, Jesus. And since the wages of sin is death, Jesus covered it all by dying in our place on the cross. Then as predicted centuries earlier in the Old Testament, he defeated the power of sin and death through his resurrection to life. We were helpless to help ourselves. But through our simple faith in Jesus (not through our good works, deeds, or intentions), our eternal salvation and place in God’s kingdom are assured.

This remarkable news about Jesus is what gives us a much clearer perspective for tomorrow. And as the Bible tells us about the incredible promises God has kept over the centuries, our anticipation only grows as we ponder the amazing future that awaits us. Along the way, our faith-journey will have its peaks and valleys, but we’ll find real hope in our darkest hours. What’s more, we’ll also experience joy, which springs from within through our intimate relationship with God.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace," Jesus proclaimed to his disciples. "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Are the headlines getting you down these days? Joy, inner peace — and the blessings that spring through the Good News about Jesus — are closer than you think!

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