Saturday, March 17, 2018

Built to Last

 Training the body helps a little, but godly living helps in every way. Godly living has the promise of life now and in the world to come.

-- 1 Timothy 4:8

Long before Lexus, Acura and Infiniti began to dominate America's highways, Mercedes-Benz was the leading brand of imported luxury automobiles. They were--and still are--expensive when compared with your run-of-the-mill Toyota or Hyundai. And with some Mercedes sedans starting at around $90,000, these expertly-engineered vehicles are out of reach for most consumers. But for those who can afford them, their technological excellence is just the point. They do cost a lot. And they're built to last.

Mercedes-Benz also builds a reputation for excellence through its High Mileage Award. First introduced in the 1960s, this citation recognizes those vehicles that have literally gone
the extra mile by reaching the 250,000, 500,000, 750,000 or 1 million-kilometer mark. Proud owners are quick to attach the award's iconic Star and Laurel badge to their car's grill. According to the company's website, the current High Mileage champ is a 1976 Mercedes-Benz 240D that's been driven more than 2.8 million miles by a Greek taxi driver.

Like an expensive, well-engineered automobile, Christ-followers are also built to endure long journeys--and often on roads that are winding and rough. But ours are designed to test and grow our faith--and ultimately take us to our eternal destination.

The Bible tells us that those who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior can expect their fair share of bumpy roads and unsettling hairpin turns. In fact, they can count on it. Maybe it's due to a layoff at work, an illness in the family or an unanticipated budget-busting expense. Whatever it is, we can respond by either giving up or by turning to God to see us through. Real faith will carry us past the finish line. But whatever is false is bound to stall us by the side of the road.

Thankfully, life's not always about dodging potholes and head-on traffic. So while we're on our faith-journeys, we should take time to enjoy the ride God gives us and ask him for the wisdom to do his will along the way. And of course, we must also focus on the prize that lies ahead. It's not a shiny radiator badge, but an eternal crown of life. 

Are you spiritually built to last for the long haul? If so, "Well done, good and faithful servant" are the incredible words you can expect to hear from our Creator.

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