Saturday, June 30, 2018


"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

-- Matthew 16:18

Early followers of Jesus were called "Little Christs" because their new-found faith had changed their lives for all to see. This odd group of people from all walks of life--rich and poor, male and female, and slave and free--were utterly different from the rest of society. They had somehow grown more generous and caring to both neighbors and strangers alike. And they willingly sacrificed their time and resources for others to ease sorrow and correct injustice.

In a word, they were transformed.

This says much for the effectiveness of their leader, an obscure rabbi from
a distant corner of the Roman Empire who just happened to be God's own Son. Few recognized it at the time. But because some did follow Jesus in faith, millions in future generations would help change the world for the better.

Modern-day Christ-followers must also be transformed and live out Jesus' actions and principles through their daily interactions with society. Christ's disciples used this very strategy to guide their own lives. They recognized that Jesus the Leader was also Jesus the Follower. That’s because Christ spoke constantly with his Father (God) in prayer and always sought his guidance. 

"I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing," explained Jesus, "because whatever the Father does the Son also does."

Throughout his ministry, Jesus acted with a sense of urgency. He knew from the foundation of the world that he had only a few brief years to save mankind. And it was in this brief period that Christ preached God's word, healed the sick, raised the dead and forgave all those who asked him. He even asked God to forgive his own executioners because they didn't realize what they were doing. It was the ultimate act of generosity.

Jesus changed the world 2,000 years ago. But can his Church--that's everyone who claims him as their Lord and Savior--still make a difference in the 21st century? It certainly can if the past is any indication. In fact, it's because of the Church that the world has benefited from the rise of science, hospitals, universities and agriculture. The Church also led the call to abolish slavery. And as modern-day Christ-followers, we're still to follow his admonition to be salt and light to a dying world in need of guidance, truth and character.

A skeptical world is watching. May the Church continue to show its transforming love in action.

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