Sunday, June 30, 2019

Investing Our Faith

In the same way, faith by itself — that does nothing — is dead.

-- James 2:17

Some people of a certain age might recall it as a near-sacred ritual. It was the Pledge of Allegiance, which they recited every morning with their classmates at school. For decades, students across the nation began their day by saying the pledge and placing their right hand over their heart –- all in front of the American flag. It was a daily declaration of devotion to the Stars and Stripes and the nation for which it stands.

Being a Christ-follower also calls for allegiance, but to One much greater than
any flag or country. In fact, Jesus calls not just for allegiance, but for total devotion from his disciples and would-be followers. Halfheartedness and non-committal don’t make the cut. As Believers, our lives must show tangible action that reflects our faith in him. This, of course, doesn’t mean we’re to work our way into God’s favor by living a so-called “good life,” following a set of rules, going to church on Sundays — and then putting some money into the collection bucket. That’s because not one of us is good enough to meet our Creator’s high standards of perfection. Jesus — who actually lived a perfect, sin-free life — was the only one worthy enough to die on the cross to pay the penalty we all deserve.

It’s through this immense sacrifice that Christ saved his followers to serve as his hands and feet on Earth. To help illustrate its significance, Jesus told a story about a master who gave each of his three servants a considerable amount of money (“talents”) to invest while he was away on an extended trip. After a while, the master returned to claim what was his.

He was very pleased with the first two servants, who had wisely invested what was entrusted to them. Their efforts and willingness to risk their talents resulted in doubling the master’s money. But it wasn’t so with the third servant. He was afraid of his master’s stern reputation and refused to risk a loss. Instead, his strategy was to play it safe by burying the money in the ground. The master was displeased, to say the least! Instead of commending the servant’s regard for safeguarding his funds, he was furious because the servant had wasted the opportunity to invest and multiply it.

And that’s where Christ-followers enter the story. God has also given us various resources, skills, opportunities and circumstances to invest in the spiritual and material lives of others. These people might be our spouses, siblings or children. They might also be a co-worker, a neighbor, villagers in Africa or maybe someone God puts in our path at a most-unexpected moment.

Are you demonstrating your faith by investing the many talents God has given you … or are you playing it safe by burying them? Unlike the stock market or commodities exchange, this is one investment that’s guaranteed to yield high dividends every time.

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