Saturday, July 27, 2019

Conflict of Interest

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

-- Matthew 6:24

What comes to mind when you hear the term conflict of interest? Maybe it’s a politician who sponsors legislation without revealing that he or she would gain financially from its passage. Or perhaps it’s a prosecutor who’s trying a case against a not so distant relative.

According to a paper published in the Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies, such double-dealing extends well beyond
the Washington Beltway and the courtroom. In fact, conflicts of interest are all around us — from investment banks to accounting firms to the Pentagon to the media. And it’s a costly problem. For example, the consulting firm Marsh & McClennan once lost nearly $12 billion dollars in just a few days after New York’s attorney general announced his investigation into the firm’s alleged conflict of interests involving price fixing and collusion!

With so much at stake, what’s evident is the importance of using good judgment by eliminating even the appearance of impropriety in politics, the legal system and the business world. But how about conflicts of interest involving something that’s much more important: our spiritual life?

As Christ-followers, we’ve accepted God’s invitation to meet our needs in every facet of life. That covers deeply intimate issues involving our significance, happiness, value and self-worth. And let’s not forget our money and possessions. Deep down, too many of us depend on the size of our bank accounts, 401ks and stock portfolios for security. We struggle for years to build up our nest eggs. But even if we make it to the top by the world’s standards, this supposed victory turns out to be a worthless idol that gains us nothing once we leave this life.

We read in the Old Testament that King Solomon — once the richest and wisest man in the world — had his own problems with divided spiritual loyalties. Rather than depending strictly on God and following his word, Solomon decided to pursue a life of pleasure by accumulating hundreds of wives and concubines. His other futile ventures involved possessions, wisdom and achievements. And what did Solomon eventually learn from his time straying from God?

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”

How about you? Are there conflicts when it comes to your relationships, money and possessions? The fact is that what we do with each paycheck and how we treat each other are tests of how well we use God’s blessings … and our own good judgment. Jesus reminds us that we will one day be rewarded with the opportunity to manage many things. But first, we must demonstrate that we’re faithful with just a few.

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