Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Higher Purpose

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

-- Romans 8:28

The 101 Uses for Duct Tape article on Self-Reliance Central’s website celebrates the super-strong, cloth-backed tape found in millions of businesses and households around the globe. Although the origin of duct tape is disputed, there’s no doubt that a division of Johnson & Johnson developed a similar product in 1942, which the military used throughout WWII to make quick repairs to everything from weapons to aircraft to jeeps.

Duct tape can also mend broken automobile fan belts, cracked windshields and
split vinyl siding. It’s also great for removing lint from clothing. And if you believe the article on, it’s come through during emergencies to stabilize a cross-country skier’s damaged knee, prevent frostbite and even save the Apollo 13 astronauts. But ironically — for all its versatility — duct tape can fail when used for its original intended purpose: wrapping heating and air-conditioning ductwork!

People, like duct tape, are also designed with an intended purpose or calling. And how can Christ-followers find theirs? The Bible reveals that God has given us certain gifts, talents and resources for advancing his kingdom on Earth. For example, vocalists and musicians might use their gifts in the local church to lead worship on Sunday mornings. Other believers have talents related to behind-the-scenes applications, like bookkeepers and office managers, who help the church make the most of its finances. Meanwhile, these same gifts, talents and resources have applications in the secular world, which can also help identify their owner’s purpose or calling.

The search should begin with regular prayer, Bible study and discernmentthe ongoing functions of living, thinking and acting to distinguish between right and wrong, and the essential from the secondary. Meanwhile, our daily circumstances, trials and crises also blend into the mix. But it’s our service that often reveals the answer. That’s because we’re called to be Jesus’ hands and feet on earth. And it’s no coincidence that Christ-followers who complete a mission trip or other acts of service say that they gained more from the experience than those they sought to help.

“In the same way, the Son of Man did not come to be served,” Jesus reminds us. “He came to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many people." 

As Christ-followers, let’s turn our faith into action — and see what God reveals to us — by accepting his invitation to help brighten a dark, dying world that’s so much in need of guidance, truth and love.

Even duct tape can’t do that.

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