Sunday, June 14, 2020

What If?

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

– John 11:25-26

Several years ago, a well-known insurance company ran a series of television commercials that asked viewers to ponder a simple — yet profound — question: What if ?

What if you get sick and can't work? What if you get married and have triplets? What if you die and your family can't live without your lost income?

These commercials were effective reminders that real-life issues have real-life implications. And if you're not prepared (such as with the right insurance coverage), you
actually might have something to fear. After all, millions of people each year really do experience serious illnesses, injuries and setbacks. Christ-followers have an additional consideration. Unless Jesus returns during our lifetimes, every one of us is guaranteed to face death. The mortality rate is 100%. It's an inescapable fact.

Likewise, check the recent headlines, and they confirm another unpleasant reality: Our society is filled with violence, disease and economic woe. And Believers aren't immune from it. But we do have an answer to the gnawing uncertainties that grip so many who don't know Jesus as their personal Savior. It's his supernatural peace that defies all human understanding.

"I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give," Christ assures us in John 14:27. "It isn't like the peace that this world can give. So don't be worried or afraid."
Those insurance commercials have it right: we do indeed live in a world of what-ifs. But Christ-followers have nothing to fear because God is — and always has been — in control in every situation. Even death has lost its sting because Jesus willfully died on the cross to pay the penalty for our lifetimes of sin and failure. Because of his resurrection from the grave, he also fulfilled centuries-old Bible prophecy and proved his claims as being the Son of God. What’s more, his triumph over death means that we can live with eternal hope.

Jesus long ago showed the world that he’s the Resurrection and the Life. And it's through our simple faith in him that the what-ifs of life become fear-nots.

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