Saturday, March 13, 2021

Keeping It Kosher

We should live like that while we wait for our great hope and the coming of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. He gave himself for us so he might pay the price to free us from all evil and to make us pure people who belong only to him — people who are always wanting to do good deeds.

– Titus 2:13-14

If you shop for groceries or cook, chances are that you’ve seen them a thousand times. They’re those special symbols on food packaging that certify the contents as kosher (fit to eat).

Kosher food is prepared according to Jewish dietary laws, which are rules and regulations derived from Old Testament laws and rabbinical extensions to ensure quality, cleanliness and safety. Hebrew National — a well-known brand of hotdogs — has a famous slogan that sums up their call to be kosher: We Answer to a Higher Authority.

Christ-followers do, too. And although we aren’t bound by the Old Testament dietary laws observed by the Israelites, these statutes are still a valuable reminder that we worship

a God who knows us intimately, who cares for us deeply and who wants us to lead pure, Spirit-filled lives. What’s more, he wants his children to live by higher standards that distinguish them from the world. This profound, loving care and attention also covers much more than the necessities of food, clothing and shelter. Our Creator wants only the best for us when it comes to our personal relationships as well.

His instructions on this matter are both timeless and straightforward. When it comes to dating and choosing a mate, the Bible tells us to be picky and refuse compromise. Does your prospective spouse share your love for God and strive to grow in his or her spiritual walk? If not, beware! Our nation’s high divorce rate tells a sad story about choosing an incompatible mate. And what about his or her standards of personal behavior? Are they driven consistently by Christ-centered principles like patience and kindness? Likewise, we can’t ignore the uncomfortable topic of same-sex relationships. The world tells us that we’re bigoted, intolerant and old-fashioned if we don’t fall in line. But God’s opinion about this matter is unambiguous. And he calls Christ-followers to be Biblically correct, not politically correct.

“You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives,” the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians. “The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own.”

That’s a difficult admonition that clashes with today’s feel-good, live-for-the-moment perspective. And that’s just the point. As Christ-followers, we’re not to follow the crowd. Instead, we’re to follow God’s standards for purity and refuse anything less. Our very lives should be kosher. After all, we do answer to a Higher Authority.   

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