Saturday, July 20, 2024

Can I Get a Witness?

And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

– 1 John 4:14

According to AccuWeather, tourists recently flocked to Death Valley, CA, at the height of a heat wave to experience temperatures that neared 130 degrees. The official high on July 7, 2024, was 129 degrees at Death Valley National Park’s Furnace Creek Visitors Center. And that was followed by a week with afternoon temperatures in the upper 120s.

That’s in stark contrast to the brutally cold temperatures endured 247 years earlier in another famous valley. In December 1777, General George Washington’s Continental Army faced frigid, snowy conditions as it set up winter camp in Valley Forge, PA, during the Revolutionary War. The situation was grim for the 12,000-man rag-tag force. What’s more, Washington was under attack by members of Congress, who were criticizing his strategic choices and lack of success on the battlefield. Some even advocated his removal from command. With food, clothing, and ammunition in extremely short supply, Washington wrote: "… that unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place ... this Army must inevitably … starve, dissolve, or disperse…"

A great change would indeed take place. One Valley Forge resident testified that Washington was alone and on his knees in prayer in the woods. The tired general called aloud for God’s help — and not just with his army’s dire plight — but also for all of humanity and the world. The witness recalled that he was astonished at the power and earnestness of the general’s petition. “We never thought a man could be a soldier and a Christian,” he said. “But if there is one in the world, it is Washington.”

The rest, as they say, is history. In the darkness of Christmas night, Washington and his army crossed the ice-choked Delaware River to defeat the oblivious Hessian mercenaries hired by the British. The news of the Continental’s surprise victory spread quickly throughout the fledgling nation and soon revived the fading war effort. 

Although the eyes of America were on George Washington that snowy evening, he hadn’t sought an audience — except for One. But his sincere and humble prayers testified volumes about his fervent faith in his Creator’s ability to protect and save.

How about you and me? As Christ-followers, the world is watching us, too. Do our words and deeds each day testify to our faith in God’s ability to change the world and save souls? When we practice what we preach, it’s our faith in action that honors God. And when we seek to honor God, he seeks to honor us. As Psalm 35:28 proclaims:

My tongue will proclaim your righteousness, your praises all day long.

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