Saturday, July 13, 2024

Family Matters

When they heard this, they had no further objections and praised God, saying, “So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

– Acts 11:18

The Adoption Network reports that about 115,000 children are adopted each year in the United States, and 25% of them don’t share their adoptive parents’ race, culture, or ethnicity. Unfortunately, the adoption process can be stressful, tedious, and very expensive. Arrangements with the birthparents can fall through at the last minute, and agency fees, court costs, and other legal expenses can easily exceed tens of thousands of dollars. But for those whose hearts are set on a special child, no price is too high.

Scripture reveals that God is quite familiar with the adoption process, its struggles, and legalities. That’s because in a very real sense, he’s the adoptive parent of every Christ-follower. When we first put our faith in his son — Jesus — as our Savior, God acted legally on our behalf and paid all the related costs. The result? Our eternal salvation and adoption into God’s royal family:

“You did not choose me; I chose you,” Jesus explains through the apostle John’s gospel. “And I gave you this work: to go and produce fruit, fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you anything you ask for in my name.”

Before God became our Heavenly Father, we were spiritually dead. We had broken his laws, and our sinfulness had made us his enemies ... and him our Judge. But what’s so remarkable is that this same Judge has declared us not guilty. That’s because Christ paid the exorbitant price of our adoption through his death on the cross. For us then came a change of family, name, and home. And as God’s adopted children, it also meant an array of new privileges and responsibilities.

The implications are extraordinary. God — as our loving Father — is now approachable through prayer. He’s no longer some cold, impersonal being who’s only accessible through a priest. In fact, Jesus outraged the strict religious authorities of the day by referring to the Creator as Abba, which means Daddy in the Aramaic language. And he happens to be a Daddy who watches out for his kids!

Indeed, the Creator of our vast universe cares for us so much and knows us so intimately that he’s literally counted the hairs on our head. He’s also willing to pay any price to adopt us into his family. And for every Christ-follower, that’s exactly what he did to forever convey his name, protection, inheritance, and love. Because to him, family matters. 


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